Please refer to the following instruction for the way you can type pinyin.
To indicate the tone, first type the word in pinyin followed by 1, 2, 3, 4.
These numbers represent the first, second, third, and fourth tones. For neutral tones, you don’t need to input a tone number (or you can also input a 5 to indicate a neutral tone).
Our pinyin input uses the standard Chinese input system used in Windows/Mac, etc., which uses numbers to represent the tones.Entering a tone after the word will result in the correct pinyin for that tone.
Entering a tone after the word will result in the correct pinyin for that tone. iKnow! automatically convert these numbers to the tone marks (the dash above the word indicating tone).
For example, to type dàibiǎo—which is “dai, fourth tone” and “biao, third tone”—you need to type dai4 biao3.
1. type ai1 for āi
2. type ai2 for ái
3. type ai3 for ǎi
4. type ai4 for ài
There is only one special character you need to know when typing pinyin: ü.
To type ü, you have to use the letter “v”
Example: nǚ ér [女儿] – daughter
Type: nv3 er2
For a thorough overview of Chinese tones and the pinyin system, please see the excellent Wikipedia article on pinyin(
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